How to Decorate Your Room with Watermelon

Selasa, 02 Februari 2016

Hi hi hi, this is my first blog in 2016. *yeezy*
Hope this years i'll be more consistent to write for you all guys :)🙏

Okay, in my first blog, i'll try to use the wordpress apps on my phone, try to use english language and i will use the pict from my new phone "Oppo R5" hahahahaha (my dream come trueeee). I don't know it will be good or no, everything is new for me, hope you enjoy it.

Now, i will share about "DIY" - How to decorate your room with Watermelon. Why do i use watermelon? Hahaha I'm so like it, the color is soo cute and sweet. Combination of red, green and yellow color always give a power once i see it 😍😍😍😍

First, prepare the stuff that we need to make the detail of watermelon. Check this image out :

imageimage1. Ruller
2. Scissors
3. Glue
4. Pencil (where's the pencil? i can't see it. The pencil taken this pict brooo 😂😂😂) LOL
5. Colored paper (green, red, and yellow)
6. String
7. Cutter
8. Marker

How to make :

Please cut red paper to triangle, green paper to big rectangular and the yellow one to small rectangular. Use marker to make a detail of watermelon seed. Next, tape the colored paper that has been cut with a glue like image below :

imageimageAfter that, fold the green paper towards the outside and then tape the ends with glue. Next, use the string to hang your watermelon and then, tadaaaa....

imageOur DIY is done.
Thanks for reading and see you in my next blog 😁😁

5 komentar:

  1. kreatif banget idenya kak, terus btw itu semangka buat dekorasi temboknya khusus buat tembok warna apa?

  2. aaakk, makasih 😁😁
    aku saran sih untuk yg warnanya terang aja. kayak putih, cream, dll. Tentunya warna yg soft gitu. :)

  3. Duh jadi pengen buat tapi kesannya gak laki banget kalau ditempel di kamar :(

  4. Kalau buat kamar cowok, nti aku buatin DIY cara ngerapiin kabel-kabel deh. Biasanya kamar cowok paling banyak kabel kan hehe
